DMM Outline Definitions
Definitions of different aspects of ITP analysis
Stages of ITP - 2/O5
O: Class stand (political) (72-75)
- O: TC, coops, existing pool of progressives- ideo of idealism, concensus, etc. -the times in general moving out of 6O's, Panthers, hippies.. ...
- E: "Who does it serve?" ; and Forman, then DHM ... .
- I: Class struggle in the coops- mass organizing
- S: People had to take a stand, no fence available - transformation of TC left
E: Ideo development in organizational (org) (76-79)
Training Course Properties of One's Value
U: POV's are responses to capitalist relations.
We can see many or all of the responses in our own practice at one time or another.
P: One POV is dominant, or the identity of one's Personal Character
One POV is secondary, or the identity of one's Social Character
ITP - Personal Assessment Interview Questions - 2007
Where were you born and raised?
Briefly describe your childhood?
Did you have any siblings? Describe.
Who were your friends during childhood?
What is your earliest childhood memory?
What is your favorite/worst childhood memory?
How were you rewarded/punished?
Were there any particular difficulties during childhood - deaths, divorce, changes in economic circumstances?
What were significant external factors in your development (people, organizations, environment, etc.)?
Further Thoughts on Class and Class Stand
Confusion as to who is working class.
Confusion as to what makes you a member of the working class.
What are the classes based on and what is the basis for class.
Contradiction between wanting children to move beyond you (change class) and resenting children moving into another class and rejecting your class (class contempt).
Contradiction between your own drive to move beyond your class and sense of guilt for changing class.
Class Content - Class Stand 2004
Class Content/Class Stand
There is often an unfortunate confusion around the concept and term "class" particularly among some of those who are supposedly trying to work for the interests of the people. Sometimes "class" is even used to discredit working class movements.
One form it can take is to tell an organizer "You are not really working class - what do you think you are doing claiming you are working for the interests of the working class? You're not working class yourself1"" Such a critic may even go so far as to say, "You're just as middle class as I am!"
How Confusion about Class is an Obstacle to Class Struggle
Class Content/Class Stand:
How Confusion about Class is an Obstacle to Class Struggle
Most people are positioned in a relationship of subordination since the capitalist class rules capitalist society through the control mechanisms of ideological forms. The ruling class uses
both male and white chauvinism as well as sexism and racism to exercise their control.
Hence confusion both as to class and as to the distinction between class content and class stand are obstacles to class struggle.
Associative Identity and Form of Motion Notes 2004
Notes: 1/11/2004
Associative Identity
- Based on relationship with parent
- Form relationship with people that are similar to relationship have with DI
- Try to replicate the identity you have with your DI with other people
- Working with people with whom have associative identity can sometimes be barrier to getting things done; has limitations
Productive FOM
Table of Ideological Forms and Conditions 2 Versions 2004
This memo contains tables and description of the Ideological Forms as recalled in approximately 2004.