FORM Process Implementation
FORM PS-01 2nd State of Motion Particularity
An undated 6 page worksheet that is associated with the "PS-01" form. It's for specific programs and specific issues within them.
Definition of Categories for Analysis
This undated form lists the categories for use in the other worksheets.
There has been a noticeable drop in useless correspondence
June 1981 memo from P.O.O. a name used by Theophilus Smith to "Developing ML cadres"
"Since the introduction of the PSSC, there has been a noticeable drop in useless correspondence. There is still aways to go ih practice before a complete categorization of things is achieved. Up until now in the use of the PSSC, P.O.O. has only initial 3 PSO2's. This was for organizational reasons. On the other hand, the basic reason for not doing so was to allow cadres time to align their practice with the PSSC. There is always a quantity of incompletions, inaccuracies, and misplacements of information in the initial stages of a new process to realign conceptual thinking.This is the conceptual basis for not initialing the PS02's. ..."
The New PS-01 Memo - 1981
This May 1981 memo was from C.L. (Theophilus Smith) and was sent to "developing ML cadres". It explains the "new PS-01" worksheet.
'The new PS-01 doesn't require any additional categories or classes. If in the course of practice new classes and categories need to be added, do, centralize your recommendations.
The new PS 01 is new, it stands in contradiction with metaphysics and with idealism
An Ideological Criticism Of Historical Practice Of Misuse Of The P.S. Forms And an Administrative Change In The PS02 Form
This is a May 1981 memo from C.L. (Theophilus Smith) to "Developing ML Cadres". It describes an increase in the numbering scheme to allow more elements to be added to the PS-02
PW Takeover: Warehouse Panel Investigation
The warehouse panel met with the purpose of investigating the factors that led up to the infiltration of the People’s Warehouse by Steve Brandriet, and the effects of that infiltration -- April 1st coup and the subsequent destruction of the PW. It is the conclusion of this panel that the infiltration could have been stopped, SB neutralized, and the coup and subsequent destruction of PW prevented. In the course of panel discussions, PW primary and secondary leadership and organizational members involved in the PW at the time SB was there were questioned about the sequence of events at PW and their role in them. All members of the organizational base took part in this inquiry, underscoring its seriousness and the necessity to hold members of a revolutionary organization accountable for the effects of their practice