This undated form lists the categories for use in the other worksheets.
Construction (100)
Material structures, policies and programs, communications and the media, e.g. after 1934 - Works Progress Administration (WPA), Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Production (300)
Productive forces employing technology (esp. transportation & communications), e.g. armaments industry
Administration ( 400)
Governmental forms e.g. monarchy, socialism, bourgeois State, democratic socialism, national socialism
Legal (500)
Use of state power domestically, international law globally, e.g. army, police
Political ( 600)
Parties and political activities - Whom do parties represent, what is their role in the process, e.g. cominterns
Ideological (700)
Class outlook of the form of organization - e.g. Bourgeois: Anti-Communism, patriotism, male & white chauvinism, pro-fascism. Proletarian: nationalism
Organizational (800)
Forms of organization used by the different class forces in contention, e.g. labor unions, anti-lynching organizations, Unemployed Councils, Workers Alliance, Brown Shirts.
Theory (900)
Summarized practice (basis for 400, 500, 600, 700 classifications) - success or failure to apply summarized experience (the comintern succeeding in summarizing Bolshevik lessons). US Isolationist theory, theory that Socialism impossible in one country only, theory of a peaceful path to Socialism
Economic (000)
Material stage of development of people - finance and resources, - who is served by the economy, conditions that lead to depression/prosperity