FORM HH Unit Household Analysis Where are you in the Negation v Negation of Negation of Negating your B. MOT
An Outline Procedure for Writing Strategically
This undated document thought to be from the late 70's, is a guide for writing about struggles for change within an organization.
FORM Assessment of Personal Relationship
This 1978 document was a step by step procedure for assessing the nature of two people's personal relationship. One person is the "d.a." (dominant aspect) and the other is the "s.a." (subordinate aspect). Intermediate steps work out how the relationship between the d.a. and s.a. may change. The final step is to assess whether "the relationship can preserve its self in the course of development of class struggle...".
Acronyms used
s&t - Strategy and Tactics
pic - principal internal contradiction
bpic - bourgeois pic
Observation Child Development Form
March 1987 chart of behavior of a 27 month old child.
Worksheet DHM Exercise Form
This undated form is a worksheet for using DHM (dialectical and historical materialism) tools for analyzing "contradictions in every day life". It provides an example using the numbering system of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
FORM New PS-01 Numbered Categories
This undated form defines numbered categories to use with completing the PS-01 form. The major categories are Finance, Job Occupation, Ideology, Organization/Program, Administration, Theory.
FORM Where are you in the Negation v Negation of Negation of Negating your B. MOT
This undated form is a worksheet for evaluating how one has progressed in negating one's B MOT (Bourgeois Mode of Thought)
See this completed worksheet
FORM Worksheet for Processes
This undated worksheet is for evaluating processes. Headings are Universality, Particularity, Observe (mutually exclusive opposites) Pose (the essence) and so on.
FORM The Two Aspects of the Contradiction at Each Stage
This undated detailed worksheet is for working out the internal contradiction of any process using the tools of dialectical and historical materialism.