The trend towards private possession of individual coops, and the overall domination of much of the coops by a small class clique, cannot be overlooked any longer by those with some level of socialist consciousness.
In spite of the fact of incorrect leadership in the coops, the coops do represent some form of socialism. Who can deny the tremendous amount of socialized labor that went into the construction of the coops? This means not only the hundreds of people who work long hours with no thought of personal reward but also all the other workers in all branches of production on whom the coops depend for their goods and services.
The trend towards private possession of individual coops has developed as a direct result of the inability of the present and past coop leadership to advance the coops to a higher level of socialist workers organization.
Private ownership of the coops by a class clique shows itself in “community meetings” that do not pay any attention to the working class community; in priorities that have nothing to do with oppressed people’s lives; In contempt for working class people; in snobbishness and elitism; in a person or a few people sitting on stores like they own them; in the lack of conscious effort to develop working class leadership for the coops; in upper class attitudes like escapism and purist and moralistic attitudes on food; in response to criticism from below; in countless other signs and practices that result in the domination of the coops by culturally defined class clique.